Friday, November 22, 2019

Why do we have to go to school?

[VIDEO] I've been wanting to share another Mr. Beat video here. He's got a YouTube channel who's basic subject is social studies which is what he teaches in real life. In this video published over two years ago talks about the history of school in the world.

I started a blog named for a school - and an elementary school at that - it never occurred to me to look at the history of school in human civilization. Why do we have school? At what point did government mandate that children must attend school?

Here's another thing in the video that makes sense governments had a vested interest in children going to school. Not only that what model did governments around the world use for their own education systems?

I had written on this blog before that I hated school, but that's only to speak for myself. Bottom line is that I support the fact that our young children must be in school. School in many ways can benefit you and I'm not just talking about socially, perhaps at some point in your studies there is a subject that interests you in more ways than one.

Regardless what I would state differently now than I had in that past post is what ways could school be better? How could school at least in my younger days could've been better for me?

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