Monday, November 25, 2019

New YouTube rules could harm content creators

[VIDEO] Wrestlelamia is one of my favorite sources of professional wrestling news and to see this video is disheartening. Claiming that YouTube's new rules with regards to children being under the age of 13 to insure no information for child users will be collected by anyone.

I've learned having really followed YouTube consistently over the past two years about how many YouTubers have lost money on the platform. One primary way of making money on YouTube is with advertising usually from Google Ads. BTW, YouTube is owned by Google as are a number of other platforms such as what I use to publish this blog.

Anyway to be able to make some money on their YouTube channels in addition to Google Ads many use merchandising (one of my favorite YouTube channels Mousetrap Money has their own merchandise for example). Others depend upon donations from such services as Patreon (such as Mr. Beat if you enjoy the content he produces).

So either way, pro wrestling is something that does appeal to young people. I started watching wrestling in the 5th grade and though I've hardly stayed away from the "sport" the pattern really hasn't ceased. Back in my day the wrestlers portrayed on TV in WWE and WCW - back in the early 1990s - mostly were designed to appeal to children. By the late 90s the trend was creating characters and storylines that appealed to those over the age of 14.

If you ever had dreams of starting a successful YouTube channel that gets a significant enough of a following the rules will begin to make it harder and harder. That's not to say if you have an idea or a plan that you want to share, get started anyway. Also recognize YouTube is the most popular video sharing service in the world so you can't go wrong there anyway. You just never know! 

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