Friday, October 25, 2019

Reason: Why 'Free College' Is a Terrible Idea

[VIDEO] This video from talks about alternatives to getting a baccalaureate degree spending money for four years of study. As opposed to taking advantages of different vocational or pre-professional programs that are designed to get you ready for the world of work. One could argue for what colleges expect you to study is what you take these classes for preparing you for day one on the job.

Of course this video comes as some Democratic Presidential candidate such as Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont have proposed free-college for everyone. While I'm not too upset if Sen. Sanders is in anyway successful with wiping out student loan debt, I do have my reservations about free college.

I want the baccalaureate degree to have some value again and not become just another high school diploma. To give free college to everyone would essentially devalue such an achievement. Four more years of school for free and for what?

I could characterize such a move as akin to how society treats K-12 - as an entitlement. Should four years of college become just another entitlement?

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