Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Dave Ramsey Rant: Is college worth it?

[VIDEO] Dave Ramsey is a radio host who does a program on personal finance. I know that he's done many segments on whether or not college is worth it. Student loans has been an ongoing public policy issue especially since the "great recession" during the late 2000s. Also another issue related to that is the increase in the cost of getting an undergrad degree.

Ramsey finds himself chuckling at the idea of a woman who graduated with her bachelor's degree, but the salary at her job doesn't pay enough to cover the cost of student loans. I get what he chuckles about, she wasn't smart enough to pick a field that would offer a return on investment (RoI). In his mind the person he's talking about made a bad decision as far as her chosen subject, however, he doesn't just blame her. He blames her parents....

With this said do I think this country got crazy over going to college? Yes I do. It was ingrained in my head that you need a college degree it would get you a better job and you'd make more. Of course what even I failed to realize is that getting a college degree is fine but you need to have a plan. Especially what you plan to do when you get out. It's a lot like studying, the sooner you get ahead of the game as far as finding a job once you graduate the sooner you can find that good job once you pay your loans.

Either way this is a telling segment that was uploaded to YouTube on December 15, 2015. Whatever news story Ramsey was reading said that Goldman Sachs believes getting a college education isn't worth it. Especially as far as a financial RoI.

My thing is, college has become the thing you must do. It's the new high school diploma, gone are the days where you were set if you got a bachelor's degree. It's devalued if everyone and their mother seems to have one. Now you have to do more than go to college, to really have something of great value you must go to graduate school.

Everyone isn't meant to go to college and I do believe at one point that was one goal of a disgraced CPS CEO. Instead of prepping our kids for college which they may not be able to complete at least, why not prepare them for the workforce also?

Let me know what you think of Ramsey's rant?

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