Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Crystal Morning: September 11th, 2001

[VIDEO] I don't know if I've ever referenced this here on the blog. 9/11/2001 is certainly a day etched in many of our minds as one of the more traumatic events of our recent history. That day could be akin to say the assassination of President John F. Kennedy for example.

A videoblogger named Evan Coyne Maloney - who largely became known online for his many videos of anti-war protests in the lead-up to the Iraq war in the 2000s - did this video tribute to the 9/11 attacks. I would like for you to send him your reviews of the video especially positive ones if it marks the day for you from back then. His website at is no longer available and thus sending him our support is tad harder these days.

However, I do have my memories of 9/11 which I spent on my way to class at a downtown community college in Chicago. It was truly a confusing and scary day and was very sad in it's aftermath. I can only imagine the hurt and trauma of that day for New Yorkers and those families affected by what happened at the Pentagon in the DC area at the time.

As per usual I will likely avoid any rememberances on TV for 9/11 which was just about 18 years ago at this point. I don't enjoy watching the planes crash in the WTC and the impending collapse of those skyscrapers due to fire. 

On a final note, since I've denoted recently that posts that are published at 2:30 are often significant this is why I post this later in the afternoon as opposed to roughly when these attacks took place which was in the morning. I'm marking a significant and sadly deadly historic event. We're still dealing with the after effects of what happened on that day.

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