Wednesday, August 28, 2019

IL Channel: Black WW2 Veteran Honored for His Service, in DC via Honor Flight

[VIDEO] On this blog a few times I noted C-Span which basically is our national public affairs cable channel. You will see gavel to gavel coverage of the federal government especially the sessions of the US Congress both House & Senate.

The Illinois Channel serves the same purpose though in this case it primarily covers Illinois' public affairs. If you live in Chicago you mostly will see IL Channel programming on Chicago Access Network channels 19 & 21 - and these are for those of you who has Comcast cable.

Today I want to share the honor flight of Black World War Two veteran William Walker. Honor Flight is dedicated to sending World War Two vets to Washington, DC to be able to see the memorial on the National Mall dedicated to them. Walker's story is a great one and he rose to a leadership role in the Navy which was unusual at the time.

You might see this over the weekend if you tune in on CAN-TV if it's available to you.

ALSO, I remember a student teacher who had a couple of guests in our class during the 7th grade. Two Black men who had themselves served during WW2. They told us about the shells they had to endure during combat which were designed to effect the air around them. I'm sure they could've told us worse stories about war than that. Easily relatable to those you people who were interested and certainly good to see other Blacks who experienced that war tell their stories.

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