Tuesday, July 16, 2019


I can't believe this blog has been in publication for over a decade. When I started this place it can't be said there was a solid sustainable plan. I've always done what I've been known to do, just start posting and see what direction it goes.

Sometimes the direction can change on a dime. Perhaps talk about Bennett-Shedd (I started this blog because Shedd School where I started my schooling wasn't listed at CPS although Shedd is closed now), perhaps some local politics, perhaps even some education issues. Even wanted to turn this place into a "Ninth Ward blog" and now I'm not so sure about that.

Either way another update to mention to you all is regarding the domain. I feel referring to this blog as the Shedd School blog or John G. Shedd Public School blog is outdated. I've had some ideas on a domain name which have been executed over the years.

For example I wanted to use ninthward.us until I allowed that domain to expire. Here are a few ideas for domains


You might see a pattern here, I really would like to use badger as part of the domain name. Badger was during my time in school the original mascot of Bennett-Shedd Elementary School. I understand that now Bennett's mascot is a lion and if Bennett School had any sports teams they would be refered to as P.R.I.D.E (or you can also say pride of lions). I can't believe that I'm just old enough to refer to myself as old school. So to use badger as part of this blog's identity is an homage to Bennett's original mascot.

I've learned recently that a former principal and Bennett-Shedd noted that this blog got his attention with the Shedd School identity. So as of now I have some decisions to make as far as this blog's direction and identity. If this blog gets an audience based upon association (and as always I hope to gain a bigger audience beyond that), hopefully it just shows that I'm on the right track. Time will tell!

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