Monday, March 4, 2019

Dear old Morehouse...

[VIDEO] I'm sharing this video of the inauguration ceremony of  Morehouse College President David A. Thomas, PhD who assumed the role in 2018. I'm a graduate of Morehouse College which is the only historically Black college for Black males. BTW, this is an almost three-hour video feel free to fast-forward to about 20 mins into this vid to see the start of this ceremony

Once upon a time I had been a stickler for encouraging young men to consider college. I still am a supporter, what would be my goal now is that for those who are serious about college is to help them come up with a plan. The main plan is not what they plan to do once they graduate with a degree as they should be able to work that out for themselves.

The main plan should be how do you get into college and then what you do once you're accepted. Perhaps any young person who wants to go to college need to think about how they're going to pay for it. Are they going to work through college, utilize federal financial aid which could also include student loans, are they going to consider a scholarship, etc.

I had to figure this out for myself. I'm glad I did, but my story is probably rife with a number of mistakes made during my years in Atlanta. Perhaps learning from my own history I can counsel young men to avoid my mistakes. Help them plan the first day they arrive on a campus and then plan for the remainder of their matriculation.

Beyond that what I want are young men who if they're not ready for the undergrad life, hopefully they're ready for the real world. Either the world of work or perhaps if they so choose the military life. And as always it's their choice.

The main takeaway of this almost three hour video from the campus of Morehouse is what impressed me once I transferred from one of the City Colleges of Chicago. It's not often I see well dressed Black people in their academic regalia. It's also not often you see young and ambitious Black males making their mark in their undergrad studies. Many of those young men of Morehouse aren't perfect, but should always be lifted up as the exception!

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