Thursday, February 7, 2019

#tbt Martinique Restaurant formerly stood near 95th/Western

It's funny to find this about The Martinique restaurant/Drury Lane Theater that formerly stood at 2500 W. 95th Street. What exists on this site today includes a Walmart and Sam's Club. You can see an article about this here.

In the early 1990s at least this was the site of my 8th grade class banquet for Bennett School.

What I see from Pete Kastanes on his twitter page I got a kick out of seeing a pic of this ashtray.
Also here's a photo found from one of Kastanes' FB pages. This was certainly a striking site driving west on 95th Street especially during the 1990s when the restaurant was in operation. I'm glad someone out there took some pics of the sign. Click through the embed to see more pics of this facility.


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