Monday, February 18, 2019

Shedd School blog 10 years

Hello my name is Levois in addition to creating this blog I also created The Sixth Ward.

Ten years ago I created this blog in a dorm room at Morehouse College and to be fair I lacked a real plan for this place on the internet. All I remember is that my goal was to just have a place for Shedd School and keep the history of my former elementary school alive. Shedd was where my academic life started.

To be fair (and with apologies to any young people) I just have to admit that often I hated school. It was something I had to do whether or not it was the expectation of my parents or the law. Either way I as a young person would have always fantasized about what the rest of the world was doing while I was sitting in a classroom at a neighborhood school. I couldn't wait to get out of school for the summer though a few times I instead had to do summer school.

So just as many young people do now, I had my ups and downs with school. Perhaps I wasn't getting along well with classmates (i.e. was getting picked on), wasn't getting along well with teachers, parents were upset because of bad grades etc. On the other hand you made many friends a lot of whom were lifelong (and in my case I connect with a lot of them online with social networking), perhaps you still connect with your favorite teachers who are now retired, also you can always reflect on the subjects you loved to learn way back when.

So either way this school which was my first experience with education so many years ago deserves to have something of a legacy. Like I said I had no solid plans for this blog other than taking pics of Bennett or Shedd School or talking about education policy or even now as more of a neighborhood blog. Just bear in mind there were periods of time I even lacked motivation in updating this blog.

So who knows if the emphasis on this blog will change again. What I do hope is that if anyone has any Shedd School history to share feel free to e-mail me. I must also admit that due to the declining enrollment rates in CPS, Shedd has closed their doors and is a building without a use at the moment. Still this was the one place that despite the ups and downs I do have fond memories of.

Shedd School represents my childhood which was by no means perfect. Though I recognize now that the times we had as children speaking for myself it was taken for granted. I'm sure many of us took our childhoods for granted also. However, many of us have grown up have lived our lives and still many of us have children and providing hopefully allowing them their childhoods that they will also take for granted.

So here's to celebrating this blog's 10th anniversary. Perhaps I have motivation for another 10 years at this blog. Time will tell, so I will enjoy this while it lasts.

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