Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The 10th most violent neighborhood: Back of the Yards...

[VIDEO] This is the start of Maggio's top 10 most violent Chicago neighborhoods series. This entry uploaded to YouTube on January 6, 2018 is of the Back of the Yards neighborhood with a duration of just over 8 minutes. The description he posted:
The Back of the yards neighborhood will never be known as New City, to me, or the residents of this community, this neighborhood is the least violent of the top ten.

Back of the Yards is a diverse community where the gangs are at each other’s throats, this problem has a racial component to it, that nobody dares to mention.

The violence raging in this community is total and the weaponry being used to kill and maim people is shocking. Weapons like AR-15s and AK-47s are regularly used in gang shootings in and the communities that surround the back of the yards neighborhood.

The stats show of the 33 rifle related shootings, 46 people were shot and 13 were killed in these attacks. The battles raging in this neighborhood have a vendetta based history that goes back decades.

There are a lot of good people that live in this neighborhood that are trapped by the violence, it must also be realized these gangs could not survive for decades without some sort of support from within the community.

I was born and raised in the neighboring community of Bridgeport, I worked and partied in this neighborhood for decades. It is a shame to see the senseless violence raging without no end in sight in this neighborhood.

And for your frame of reference, a map of the New City community area of which Back of the Yards is considered a part of.

Via Chicago CityScape
 I wish I could've had a map that showed the bordering streets. From the Encyclopedia of Chicago with regards to Back of the Yards:
Located in the community area of New City, the neighborhood extends from 39th to 55th Streets between Halsted and the railroad tracks along Leavitt Street, just south and west of the former Union Stock Yard and adjacent packing plants, a giant sprawl that was until the 1950s the largest livestock yards and meatpacking center in the country.

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