Monday, January 3, 2022


Happy New Years to you all!

For a few years I attached this blog to a YouTube channel called The Sixth Ward and since I do have several I've opted to table that channel for now until there is a decent concept for it. One of my other channels which is called lbj79us is the one that needs to be developed for now.

My goal is to share some of the things there that I had been planning for a long time which has been discussed here in the past. For example visiting national parks, museums, historic landmarks, etc. 

Remember I did a video blog about my commute into downtown one morning and it was referred to as a Sixth Ward production, a Badger City presentation (see what I did there?). Perhaps any special presentation will be tagged a Badger City presentation or perhaps a Badger City production. Well why get mired in those details, New Years resolution is to just get started which is what I resolve in 2022.

I definitely want to delve more into the political space as we are in an election year in 2022. Illinois voters will decide if Gov. J.B. Pritzker will remain in office for another term. His first term proved to be difficult still having to deal with not only a worldwide pandemic, he also had to deal with civil unrest. Of course let's also add that there was some redistricting and perhaps a Republican wave coming. Just a few things worth following this year.

Either way we shall see what 2022 shall bring! 

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