Friday, February 16, 2018

Check out the recent cover for the Chicago Reader

What I got to say about it is, YIKES!
6th Ward Alderman Roderick Sawyer - also chairman of the city council Black Caucus - spoke at the City Club of Chicago on Thursday. After his speech he was asked about the cover you see above. Rich Miller cover this on his blog yesterday. Even had full video of Ald. Sawyer talking to a reporter for channel 7. In Sawyer's words the above cover is "the equivalent of putting gasoline on fire". The alderman sees this cover as race baiting. Watch [VIDEO]
Here's Rich Miller's post about this cover and Ald. Sawyer's comments in the tweet below:
Here are a couple of tweets to a pair of articles from Chicago Reader. The first link has little to do with the recent Reader cover though certainly about those controversial comments made on a long-ago wiretap by gubernatorial candidate J.B. Pritzker.
This other article is in response to Ald. Sawyer's and Pritzker's comments on this cover.
And just for the fun of it, here's a story by channel 7 which features some of Ald. Sawyer's comments [VIDEO]
Regardless the comments of one JB Pritzker - who incidentally does have the support of Ald. Sawyer - aren't exactly going away anytime soon. We have almost a month before the primary elections at this poitn.

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