Monday, December 28, 2015

Star Trek Beyond trailer

[VIDEO] The main event people are going out to see right now during the holiday season is the new JJ Abrams production Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Then recently a new trailer for next year's Star Trek Beyond comes out and there seems to be mixed opinions on the trailer.

The trend lately has been that these previews seem to give most of the movie away. Not a whole lot given away in this trailer but by some it gives an impression of films such as Guardians of the Galaxy or The Fast and Furious franchise. Either way this is another film to look for next year.

BTW, would you believe 2016 will mark 50 years for the Star Trek franchise. It's been close to 20 years since as a 6th grader at Shedd School I started watching Star Trek: The Next Generation and then following all things Trek ever since. I will be looking forward to this film soon.

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