Friday, September 25, 2015

Future project

I've been very keen on doing photo essays taking aim at the 9th ward. Alas I'm only armed with a camera phone at this point, but it's something worth doing.

Perhaps select photos could be posted to Sixth Ward blog's instagram in addition to being posted here. The goal is to document those areas that could use some investment on that part of town. The vacant lots and storefronts for example.

What is shown is largely the community as it appears now. Now what the viewing audience is invited to do is consider what can we bring to those vacant storefronts or lots. Could we beautify the vacant lots or find ways to bring reputable businesses to those vacant storefronts. Think outside of the box to make this a desirable community not just for the residents who live here, but for the rest of the city.

I had hoped to do this while the weather was still warm or before school started back, however, I can still plan ahead for this project. I can do this while the young folks are in school and we still have a few more weeks of warm weather. So hopefully this project can be a go in the near future.

I hope to cross post these essays to the Sixth Ward blog as well.

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