Thursday, May 14, 2015

"Star Trek"

I've been a fan since the 6th grade. I liked the future and the tech and at one point in time even wanted to make it reality. It even inspired me to consider making the military my career path although that didn't happen.

To be sure I wanted to be a Starfleet captain "boldy going where no one has gone before". Although the next best thing was to become a captain in the US Navy commanding a navy vessel. Or aspiring to be a space shuttle commander in NASA!

Anyway I've been a fan for a long time having even seen the last Star Trek movie in cinemas almost two years ago. Even have two posters here at home from that movie Star Trek Into Darkness.

Nothing however will beat the first 6 Trek movies that got this sci-fi film franchise started. My all time favorite at one point became Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home....yes the one with the whales. Thankfully on the big screen we saw the entire original cast of Star Trek engage in even grander adventures.

Recently I found this list online of trivia regarding those original 6 Trek movies. This is one piece of trivia that I could laugh about.
31. Hello computer?!? The Apple Mac wasn't supposed to be in the factory, and the original Commodore Amiga model was originally supposed to be in its place. Commodore Business Machines refused to send a sample machine for filming and simply told the film crew that they had to buy one. Apple just sent a machine and a member of staff to help out.

Commodore also stated it didn't want to be associated with Star Trek. Facepalm...
Now we wonder what a Commodire Amiga is? In fact what is a Commodore? Here's the scene in question Scotty was attempting to speak through a mouse and yet typed very fast on the keyboard. He seemed to have started off with two fingers! [VIDEO]
Now I can hardly wait for the soon to come 50th anniversary Star Trek movie. Yep between 1966 to 2016 Star Trek has been in the public memory for 50 years!

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