Saturday, February 7, 2015

9th ward action...

[VIDEO] Before I note once again the two candidates forums today, I wanted to share with you this recent video from 9th ward candidate Michael LaFargue. He is hoping to take the Alderman seat of current Alderman Anthony Beale.

LaFargue - currently President of the West Chesterfield Community Association - does a video featuring his background. He also features some of the other community activists and business owners of the 9th ward.

This includes Eddie Davis of Bass Furniture - 11431 South Michigan Avenue - who commented on the shopping mall that we recently noted here. The shopping mall that was once located at 115th/Michigan was demolished during the course of the last decade. Davis claimed the closure and demolition of this mall has hurt other nearby businesses.

It's a long video of roughly 15 minutes. Anything said in this video sway your vote?

Todays candidate forums for 9th ward candidates
  • Chesterfield Community Council 9th Ward candidate forums at 11 AM
    McDade Classical School
    8801 S. Indiana
    Noted recently on this blog
  • NAACP candidates forum with 9th Ward candidates scheduled for 1 PM
    Simeon High School
    8147 S. Vincennees
    Also noted on this blog

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