Sunday, October 7, 2012

20 years ago the start of Batman: The Animated Series

UPDATE: When I originally wrote and published the post the title was 10 years ago. OOPS! I didn't date myself far enough. Sorry! 

I don't remember what day the first day of school was 20 years ago, but back then it was the beginning of the run of Batman: The Animated Series.

Back then Batman to me was Adam West. Reruns of the 1960s Batman series could be seen on TV back then. I wasn't yet aware of the Batman movies whether it was Batman or Batman Returns. Those films and the animated series offered a different vision of Batman which was much darker or perhaps more violent.

Somewhere along the way I had become sold on the animated series. Other than such programs as Tiny Toons you could count me as a regular viewer.

Another thing about back then was that on some channels whether that was on Fox 32 or later 26 "The U" you could still watch cartoons on those local channels in the afternoons. And that was how I caught up to Batman in the afternoons when I got out of school every day!

But times change unfortunately.

BTW, one year later this version of Batman graced the silver screen unfortunately I never had a chance to view this move Batman: Mask of the Phantasm and it didn't last long at the show. Now, it is part of my video collection as I purchased this movie from Best Buy years later.

I wonder who out there are fans of the recently concluded Batman trilogy that includes Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises.

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