Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Detail pics of Bennett School

These are details over the entrances. Frank I. Bennett Public School you will find over the two main doors. Of course the other signs are for the Assembly Hall and the Gynasium.

This the gargolyes that adorn the main entrances to Bennett School.

A close up of the shield near the entrance to the assembly hall. Below that picture is other shields on the side wall of the assembly. Click on the pic for a better resolution. I could've just taken a pic each of those shields on the side.

This last pic is a more recent sign. Over the years Bennett has seen its share of improvements of course looking at the names on this sign, the work was mostly done not long after a change of regime at the Chicago Public Schools.

1 comment:

djlahawk said...

yep those was sister schools...bennett.shedd I went there from 1982 to 1986 if my memory serves me right.

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